Adsense To Blogging

Kang Sodikin

My First Google Adsense Earning

Finally I received my first payment from Google Adsense.

First thing I went out to do I bought a Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DVD.*a chorus of what the...*How many internet users are there in the world?

I had that question above, trying to think how many people all around the world has an access to the internet.And this site: gave me the answer.

according to that site there are:1,733,993,741 repeat that:1,733,993,741

now in words: one billion seven hundred thirty three million nine hundred ninety three thousand seven hundred forty one.

Wow! that's a lot of numbers isn't it?

Now my next question is, why the hell not one of those one billion so and so... visits my site. hehehe.I need to rectify that.

Just imagine if all those 1 billion and so and so visits my site in one day and even if I get only$.01 dollars from them that will still be hmmmm... I'm not good with numbers... but it will still be a lot of money :)

So, new mission, I need to have those 1 billion so and so visit my site...

-access out, God speed!Adsense for Search and Feeds

I just want to post this question out?I have been earning good Adsense for content but I have to say that my Adsense for Search and Feeds is Zilch, Nada, Zero, etc...

Anybody who is using Adsense, do you have any luck with this feature?Can anyone give me some tips on how to optimize this features.Thank you, I'm just a short day away to receive my first Adsense income.Which would be nice.

I also started my homepage so, if you have just a sec. to spare please visit it. it's:

I hope to see you there, don't be afraid to leave your comments.  Thanks!-access out, God speed!Google Adsense Pin

I finally got my Google Adsense Pin.Yup, this means my days working in an office is numbered :)

Here's the [pic] of the letter I received from google containing my Adsense Pin:

Happy Days!Now I could concentrate on blogging and making money from this blogs.

-access out, God speed!Concentrate first on your posts rather than your adsense ads

If you are just starting with your blog do not concern yourself much with the adsense ads.

Put more thought in your posts, because the posts are the one that will invite in readers to your blogs.  Do not be afraid to go back in your other posts, reread it and if you see something wrong edit it, if you want to add additional points go for it.  There is always a room for improvements.

One tip I have when posting is make your topic relevant.  As I have emphasized in several occasions, make sure that when your visitors are finish reading your post they should have learned something from it, and that learning should not be that they would not want to read another of your articles.

Back to the point I am making, write quality first then quantity second posts, and when you see that they are coming in - your visitors, that your blog's traffic is increasing, then you could think of making something out of those adsense ads.

-access out, God speed!Think of a good name for your blog

That goes for both the blog and the blog's url addess.

Thinking of a good name for your blog is important, because you have to consider your first time visitors, if you want them to return to your blog.  They must be able to remember what your blog's name is or even just a portion of it, so that they could google  search it.

A good blog name will be something memorable, and something relating to the posts you made in your blog.

So, before you hack away in posting numerous posts in your blog, even before you start a blog.  Try to come up first with a good blog name.  As the saying goes -"A good name goes a long way."

-access out, God speed!Another link I want to exchange

I have a site that averages around 2000 - 4000 visits a day.  You could check the site here.

You'll get a bigger chance of getting visited by linking in this site.  But before I'll add your blog link in this site, copy first the code below and then place it in your blog, then send me the address to your blog so that I could place it in my other site.  Thanks

-access out, God speed! Exchange Links

One good way of getting new readers is to exchange links with other bloggers.  This helps in promoting your blog in other sites, and a great way to meet other bloggers with the same interests.

Let the exchanging begin: copy the code below and paste it in your site.  Then send me your site's address so that I could place a link here to your blog.

-access out, God speed!Don't be afraid to mix it up

Keyword here is experiment.  Try to move things around your blog, until you are satisfied on how it looks like.  Play with the colors, play with the designs, add elements remove elements, just mix it up until you find something that properly reflects who you are.  Because if you like it then chances are your readers will like it.

-access out, God speed!Love words and play with them

Well I think this is a given, if you want to be serious in blogging you should have a way with words.  Again you do not need to be an expert writer, as long as you like and love writing(even if the writing does not love you back).  Because if you could do that, then as they say this would be a piece of cake or a walk in the park.

Though if you are not comfortable yet in writing, there is still time.  Write and write and maybe soon it will grow on you but if not then maybe this is not an avenue for you (Which is actually a good thing on my part hehehe less competition for readers).

Another thing is if you want to write, you better be prepared also to read a lot.  Those two things go hand in hand.

-access out, God speed!Being plain might help you earn more with your blogs

I read this tip somewhere, sorry I forgot where I got it, so if this is from you, message me so that I could properly give you the credit.

So here's the blog tip:

Make your post not so interesting(huh! in my case that is easily done).  The idea here is that when your readers become disinterested with what you are saying they tend to wander on the different areas of your blog.   Hopefully the ads from adsense will get their attention and when they click it, voila! instant earning for you.

Do not over think much what you are putting in your blog, because the post you are making is not the one that makes you money, it is the advertisements.  The purpose of your blog is to reel in readers, but your goal is to let them click on those advertisements without directly telling them.  Hmmm... much like fly fishing... hooking them with fake bait :)

-access out, God speed!Blog into two places at once with YouSayToo

You still have that dream of earning money from your blog but you are having problems in attracting in readers.  Sometimes it is really difficult to find audience to your blog if you are just expecting them to accidentally stumble upon it.

In order for you to double your chances of getting some readers, is to able to blog in two places at once, and that is what offers.  Once you made an account with YouSayToo, you will now be eligible to add your pre-existing blogs.  In my case my blog from blogger.  Once the blog is added at YouSayToo, then all you need to do is continue blogging in your existing blog, which is then automatically updated with your second blog at YouSayToo.  

If you already have a pre-existing adsense account, just add your id.  Then you have the opportunity to earn in two places at once.  What are you waiting for you could sign up here

-access out, God speed!Blend in your adsense to your blog

So you are rencana to earn with adsense.  You got your account approve and its time to place the ads in your site.  You then get to thinking hmmmm... because I'll earn from the ads in my adsense I'll have to make it as colorful as I can, so that it will attract a lot of viewers that hopefully will click on it.  Great idea, right?  Well, I have to break it to you I think that will be the worst idea you will have with adsense

Kang Sodikin
Seorang blogger pemula dan penggemar fotografi makro. Belakangan, meski terbilang terlambat, sejak tahun 2017 mulai menekuni dunia blogging. Kang Sodikin suka berbagi informasi tentang banyak hal. Pengalaman pribadi dan dari hasil baca-baca dishare melalui blog ini. Mempunyai motto hidup "sekecil apapun, hidup harus memberi manfaat kepada orang lain"
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