Top 7 Bloggers With Maximum Google Adsense Earnings In India

Kang Sodikin

Are you a new blogger and looking for inspiration to make money from Google AdSense?

Are you confused about choosing the right blog topic and don’t know which topics to cover on your blog so you can make more from AdSense?

You are in the right place. You are going to discover 7 of the top Google AdSense earners in India who are making a lot of money by using AdSense ads on their blogs.Google AdSense is Still Popular

Although almost all the top bloggers and marketers stopped using AdSense ads on their blogs (including Darren Rowse of, Zac Johnson, Daniel Scocco, etc.) but still making money from AdSense is the biggest dream for the majority of the bloggers.

Especially the new bloggers start their blogs by hoping to make more from AdSense. If done right, within less time, AdSense can give you a recurring income every single month. And Google always pays to their publishers no matter what. These are the primary reasons for the survival of AdSense.

Let’s also discuss what topics they cover on their blog, the money they make from AdSense (approximate estimation) and about the blog owners who run the blog. Are you interested in knowing more?

Important Note: Some of the blogger’s earnings featured in this list are just estimates. Most of the bloggers usually don’t reveal their AdSense income reports to the public, so I’ve put my best efforts in determining the AdSense earnings of each blogger mentioned in this list. All of them are actively using AdSense and making huge revenue every single month!

Without much ado, here’s the list of all the top bloggers with maximum Google AdSense earnings in India.Top Bloggers in India with Highest Google Adsense Earnings

Before jumping it into the details, here’s how the payment works on AdSense.

Google AdSense is a publishing platform where blog or website owners display ads on their sites (by putting a maximum of three ads per halaman). Whenever someone clicks on these ads, you will earn some commission.

The commission you make from each click depends entirely on how competitive your keywords are to the AdSense acara. So if you want to make more money from AdSense and to be in the top Google AdSense earners list, you need to sasaran high CPC keywords on your sites.

Suggested Reading: Important Tips to Increase Google Adsense CPC

Let’s now have a look at all the top Google AdSense earning bloggers (along with their blog details) from India.1. Amit Agarwal,

If you don’t know Amit Agarwal yet, you probably don’t know much about Indian blogging. Amit had taken blogging into a full-time job and inspiring thousands of people to start their blogs to make money online.

Amit is not only a professional blogger from India, but he is a technology columnist for The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Express.

He is a Delhi-based blogger and did his graduation from IIT Roorkee before becoming the first professional blogger from India.Approximate AdSense earnings: $25,000 per monthEstimated Traffic: tiga,00,000 daily visitors (from the US, according to Semrush)Alexa Rank: 12,675

What topics does he cover on his blog?

All technology-related stuff is covered on this blog. You will find insightful and up to the point articles on the blog. The blog topics range from blogging, WordPress, technology to making money online.

Takeaway: Whenever I read more about Amit, only one thing I repeatedly observe: consistency. It’s not easy to run a technology blog consistently for over a decade! Success is consistent hard work. If you love to make money from AdSense, aim for the long term. If you are not making money immediately, don’t give up, keep learning new SEO skills and make sure to proceed further.2. Srinivas Tamada, 9Lessons.gosip

Srinivas is India’s professional blogger, who writes about the main programming related to Ajax, PHP, web design, etc.

He’s always considered as one of the top AdSense earners in India.

He’s a Chennai-based blogger, and he also makes money from other sources such as paid ads, affiliate marketing, etc.

Here are some stats about him:Approximate AdSense earnings: $6000 to $8000 per monthEstimated Traffic: 10000 daily visitorsAlexa Rank: 99,336

What topics does he cover on his blog?

It is a programming related blog and the topics covered ranging from tutorials, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, etc. If you are a programming student or a wannabe programmer, make sure to check out this blog as it has lots of insightful posts that can help you hone your programming skills.

Takeaway: It’s not at all easy to run a programming blog covering all the tutorials related to complex programming. And the hardest part is making it successful by driving more traffic and increasing AdSense earnings. That’s what Srinivas is precisely doing from his blog. So if you have the passion for programming, it’s very much possible to make more money and become one of the highest Google AdSense earners in India sooner or later.tiga. Arun Prabhudesai,

Arun is an Internet geek and an IT professional since 1996 and runs the most popular Indian blog

He is also one of the very few bloggers who makes a lot of money every month from his online businesses.Approximate AdSense earnings: $5000 per monthEstimated Traffic: 100,000 visitors every day (according to Semrush)Alexa Rank: 42,499

What topics does he cover on his blog?

Arun’s blog mainly includes technology, mobile, and startup-related things. If you want to know more analytics posts around technology or startups, you should check out his blog.

Takeaway: Being came from an IT background and taking blogging and succeeding in making money online is a real deal! That’s what exactly done by Arun. He’s one of the top Google AdSense earning guys in India right now, and he has other monetization sources as well including affiliate marketing, blog services, ad selling, etc.

How to Earn More:Best Adsense Alternatives aplikasi, technology news, etc.

Takeaway: Another technology blog in the top Google AdSense earning website list from India! It seems technology blogs have the tendency to drive more traffic and make more from AdSense. So if you want to make more from AdSense, consider running a technology blog but make sure how to drive massive traffic from Google!lima. Nirmal Balachandran,

Nirmal is the founder of NirmalTV blog, and he is a Kerala based blogger. He has worked for Infosys on Microsoft .net technology.

Quit his day job in 2010 and started making the full-time income from blogging.Approximate AdSense earnings: $1500 every monthEstimated Traffic: 65,000 visits every day (According to Semrush)Alexa Rank: 207,578

What topics does he cover on his blog?

You will find all the mobiles, technology gadgets reviews and in-depth user experience on this blog. Lately, many Indians have started focusing on launching mobile review sites as they have the potential to increase your search traffic by covering the latest mobile reviews at any given time!

Takeaway: One of the quickest ways to increase your traffic and AdSense earnings is to start a blog on technology, mobile review sites. They pull a lot of traffic if your keyword research is done right. Also, make sure to build lots of backlinks to get high search rankings so you can increase your AdSense income.6. Rahul Bansal,

Rahul Bansal is the M.Tech graduate and running this blog from 2006.

It’s a long time and back in those days, AdSense was the top revenue source for almost every top blogger and marketer in every industry.Approximate AdSense earnings: $1000 per monthEstimated Traffic: 1700 daily visits (According to Semrush)Alexa Rank: 842,864

What topics does he cover on his blog?

Kang Sodikin
Seorang blogger pemula dan penggemar fotografi makro. Belakangan, meski terbilang terlambat, sejak tahun 2017 mulai menekuni dunia blogging. Kang Sodikin suka berbagi informasi tentang banyak hal. Pengalaman pribadi dan dari hasil baca-baca dishare melalui blog ini. Mempunyai motto hidup "sekecil apapun, hidup harus memberi manfaat kepada orang lain"
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